newborn baby sleeping with eyes closed and hands together

The 5 S's to soothe a baby

Hey mama, have you ever heard of the 4th trimester? This is basically the first 3 months of a newborn's life when they literally think they are still all cozy, tucked up in your belly and being out in the big wide world is a little scary with all these new sensations. 

There is a proven way to soothe your baby and help them with this transition into the world. Here are 5 S’s to soothe and calm your baby: 

  • Swaddling
  • Side / Stomach
  • Shushing
  • Swinging 
  • Sucking

What are the 5S’s all about?

The idea behind the 5 S’s is that they are mimicking what your baby would usually experience in the womb, making them feel safe and calm. It helps to soothe them and get them to sleep quicker in most cases too.

Why do I need the 5S’s?

Mama, let me tell you.. sleep deprivation is real. You might have the easiest baby in the world, but if you're not getting enough sleep it's the hardest thing ever. The 5S’s will not only help you to soothe and calm your baby, but also get them to sleep a lot quicker.

Swaddle or no swaddle?

Wrapping your newborn baby like a burrito may feel a bit weird, but feeling snug with their arms straight by their sides and their hips / legs loose is exactly how they are placed in your belly. 

It feels like a great big cuddly hug to your baby and also decreases the startle reflex (where their arms move and wake them up). 

However please note, once your baby can start rolling you should not swaddle their arms as this can be dangerous if your baby was to roll over in the night so look out for the signs. 

Does rocking my baby on their side really make a difference?

Yes, holding your baby on their side or even over your shoulder while rocking them to sleep helps them to feel cost and safe. 

However please note, it is not safe for your baby to sleep on their side or front and you should always lay them down to sleep on their back.

Silence is better than shushing?

No mama, the womb is a busy place! It's normal for a baby to be used to all of the lively sounds in your belly while they sleep and grow. That's why a lot of babies love to fall asleep while you vacuum or take them for a car ride.

It's important to calm your baby by making a shush noise or playing white noise to mimic the sounds and blood flow of the womb.

However please note, you should play white noise at an appropriate sound level and ideally on a timer as and when they need it to soothe them.

Do I rock / swing my baby or hold them still?

Swinging and rocking your baby in soft gentle movements while supporting their head and back is a great way to make them feel connected and safe. Remember while they were in your womb they were moving around with you. Research shows that rocking reduces crying and improves sleep.

However please note, you should never shake your baby and always protect their head and neck.

Is a dummy essential for sleep?

Mama, it's your choice. Sucking on either a dummy, their thumb or mothers breast has been proven to help sooth babies. Many fussy babies relax into a deep state of calm when they suck because sucking lowers a baby's heart rate, blood pressure and stress levels.

However please note, if you do want to introduce a dummy while breastfeeding, you should wait until nursing is well established.


Remember, every baby is different, so it's essential to pay attention to your baby's cues and seek professional medical help if you have any concerns. You know your baby better than anyone and what works for you.

Check out our baby sleep range for a great night sleep. 



L U X U R Y  M A M A

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